Instead, it shows emphasis on the main verb in the sentence, makes the main verb negative, or changes the sentence into a question. FREE on-line grammar quizzes for EFL& amp amp x2F ESL learners. The auxiliary verb do doesn’t set verb tense. FREE printable PDF grammar worksheets, quizzes and games for busy teachers, from A to Z. The plants will have been growing a month by the time the stakes arrive.Note: The drag and drop activity below might not work properly in old browsers. Dave has been working on the task all day. Multiple Choice Exercises: Modal Verbs Tests PDF Worksheets: 1 / 2 / 3.I had been dreaming about you when you called.You will have a brief explanation, practice, application and production of the modal verbs. He had asked if he could take that blanket.Īnd you use both be and have in perfect progressive tenses: This is a review of all modal verbs so you can reinforce your knowledge.Christopher and Bernadette are moving to Baton Rouge.Steve is starting a new personal training business.I am renting my guesthouse to my neighbor.Modals for FCE (without exercises) Rephrasing Modal Verbs Worksheet. Exercises for adult students for First Certificate Examination. You can use forms of be to show progressive tenses: Multiple choices, correcting mistakes, complete sentences. When auxiliary verbs appear in a sentence, they’re paired with the past or present participle form of an action verb to create different verb tenses, particularly the perfect tenses and the progressive tenses.