Therefore, due to the micro stuttering and performance problems, Dual Graphics may impose more problems than bring performance gains. Only in best case scenarios the performance of a GT 640M is possible. In some games the performance may even degrade by 10-15% compared to using only the APU graphics card. The performance of the Dual Graphics solution depends greatly on the driver support for the used games. Therefore the combination also suffers from micro stuttering (different spaces between two images lead to stuttering altough the framerate is high enough for fluent gaming with only one GPU). It is called AMD Dual Graphics or asymmetric CrossFire and uses AFR (Alternate Frame Rendering) to render different frames on the two graphic cores. The AMD Radeon HD 7660G + HD 7670M Dual Graphics is the combination of a integrated AMD Radeon HD 7660G APU processor graphics card and a dedicated entry level AMD Radeon HD 7670M graphics card in CrossFire combination. AMD Radeon HD 7660G + HD 7670M Dual Graphics